Creating a business website can help your Search Engine Optimisation and improve your rankings in the search results, but if the website doesn’t reflect your brand personality and message then it will not differentiate your business from competitors or attract the right customers.

Brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate to and can help define who you are as a business. Understanding brand perception is essential to succeeding in a competitive marketplace.

Use these 3 simple steps to improve you brand:

1.       Quality Website

Although some companies focus on social media presence, ad space and professional networking sites, they tend to neglect one major key part, their company website.  Traffic from social media and ads won’t necessarily transform web traffic into sales if your website lacks in personality, functionality and the ability to build customer trust and confidence in your business offering.

Well-built, thoughtfully designed websites tend to be better for users than sites that revolve around one flashy, visual element. People engage with visual stimulation, but they equally value information.

  • Clean web design with clearly defined pathways whereby the website visitor does not need to learn how to use the site and can easily find the information they are looking for with a minimum of
  •  Regular posting and promoting of content on the website, social media, and related websites relevant to your brand.
  • SEO Integration with strategic keywords based on not only knowing your audience and what they want and search for, but knowing how they look for what they want.
  • Use your website data and analytics, customer reviews and social engagement to help you understand user behaviour, assess your brand efforts and uncover opportunities and improvements to increase brand awareness and win more customers.

2.       Reflect your brand

Avoid confusion about what your brand and company is. Make sure you promote your product or services by featuring your name, services or products prominently.

3.       Eliminate confusion through consistency

Consistency is vital to branding, customers need to know who they’re doing business with and what products or services they’re spending money on. Have a clear idea about your company’s product and services – and focus on marketing that single identity.

If a company undergoes a re-brand or offers new products and services, it is crucial to keep the website up to date to prevent confusion and improve communications with new and existing customers.


Your website is the hub of your branding efforts and one of the main places that people will find information about your company and how to buy your products or request your services. Make sure your website is truly reflecting your brand to help convey the right message, target the right customer, build trust and confidence and ultimately convert website visitors to customers.

If you’d like to chat with our team about how we can help your business achieve a quality website that reflects your brand, get in touch via email or call us on 028 3754 9025 (Dungannon) or 028 9002 5050 (Belfast).