7 Social Media Mistakes you should avoid Image

Social media management is a large aspect of our business, so it is sure enough to say that we have a lot of experience on what works and what doesn’t work for promoting your business on social media. So, here are our 7 social media mistakes you should avoid.

1. starting with all platforms

Launching your business on every social media platform is completely unnecessary, however, it is something we say all too often. Each social media network is designed for different practices & business types, so working on creating a presence on multiple sites is going to be very time consuming and challenging, albeit there are tools to help with that. By taking your time to work on just a few platforms and building a greater presence there will be more successful in the long run, rather than having weak content across all social media platforms.

2. ignoring your followers

Would you ignore your customers if they visited your shop or business office? No. Then why would you ignore them on your social media platforms? You can’t expect your engagement to increase if you’re not responding to your current followers. Loyalty goes a long way in business, so why would you not take the time to build valuable relationships with your customers.

3. creating new content for your social platforms

As said previously, we know that your time is valuable, so don’t waste it. Many think that you have to create original content every time you post. However, re-purposing content can save you time, the time you could be spending on other areas of your business. Of course, recycling the same posts over and over is not the best idea, but re-purposing them every now and then can be more beneficial than you think.

4. automatically add people to your Facebook group

You can’t just force people to go to your dinner party, so don’t think you can add people into your Facebook groups without asking them. By being automatically added into a group, the person in question might be aggravated by you just expecting them to be part of it. By sending an email or message to invite them to join can make them more open to accepting the request as they feel like they have a choice in the matter.

5. managing social media manually

Managing all of your social media can be very time consuming and definitely makes it harder to create a robust social strategy. By using content planners, scheduling apps and other tools can be extremely helpful for organisation. However, as great as automation is for scheduling and posting, personal responses for interaction purposes goes a long way for engagement.

6. minimise “spam” posts

We can all agree that spam mail is (so) annoying. So why would you try to reach your audience doing that exact thing? By constantly promoting your business & continually posting sales messages 24/7 can make people be turned off by your content and even go as far as unfollowing your account. Share details about your employees, what it’s like behind the scenes, fun facts, and helpful tips. No one wants to follow an account that is a never-ending advertisement. People don’t read ads, they read what interests them.

7. Hiding your business

So on the other end of the scale, there are many companies out there that are too caught up in the fun of sharing #inspo posts and silly selfies of them in the office that they forget to actually share what they’re business does. As your platform grows, there are going to be followers that are unsure of what you have to offer. It seems so simple but many businesses find it difficult to get that happy medium.